Research and Development

Earth science engineering – generate ‘live’ data in challenging environments. Ensure strain-free fiber optic cable design

Considering using distributed fiber optic sensing for monitoring your project ?

Talk to us. We will do our best to provide the information you need to help you decide.

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Data for your research and development project


  • Investigate fiber optic cable properties, including strain during cable jacketing
  • Get insight to boost innovation in electronics and photonics
  • Measure strain in power and fiber optic cable design, manufacturing, and testing (fiber optic test and measurement)
  • Supply your models and digital twins with real-time sensor data
  • Sense what’s happening inside the fiber – thanks to state-of-the-art Brillouin technique
  • Walk new paths in cable design with online strain measurements

Academia and research

  • Obtain live and continuous strain and temperature data for projects in earth science (geology, geodesy, hydrogeology, geotechnics)
  • Ideal for primary investigations and input or validation for models and digital twins
  • Since optical fibers provide immunity to the effects of ionizing radiation, distributed fiber optic sensing based on fibrisTerre’s Brillouin technology offers an ideal solution for monitoring experiments and operation in the fields of nuclear energy, particle physics, and the storage of radioactive material.

We help you along every stage of the process, to ensure you get the data and the results you want in the most cost-effective way. Instruments are available for rent, rent to buy, or purchase.